refund policy

Your purchase of a product or service or ticket to an event may or may not provide for any refund. Each specific product, service, event or course will specify its own refund policy.

The Personal Branding Accelerator has a 14 day money back guarantee. Which will give you 14 days to try the course and cancel at any time for a full refund within 14 days of purchasing The Personal Branding Accelerator. If you are past the 14 refund period and ask for a refund you will not receive any form of money back. All sales are final after 14 days from the date of your purchase of the personal branding accelerator program. Your purchase of the program indicates you agree to these terms and are waiving your right to any form of a refund after 14 days from the time of your purchase.

The 365 day refund policy for The Personal Branding Accelerator Membership is 100% contingent upon, and can only be redeemed if you provide substantial evidence that you diligently applied the action plans provided. In addition, you must have attended at least 10 of the live training calls. You must have filmed at least 30 videos and uploaded them to your facebook page and boosted them. You must have posted at least 3 times in the private facebook group asking for support. You must have emailed asking for support at least twice. These are the minimum requirements in order for you to be issued a refund of any amount within 365 days of your purchase of the course.

The Game Changers Inner Circle Mastermind as well as any done for you services provided by Shorten The Gap and Mark Lack and his team will not have any refund given at any time. You agree that by investing you have committed and waved any rights to a refund at any time after the service is provided.